A group of students made a disabled father’s dream come true.

A team of excellent students made the father’s dream of taking his newborn son a reality.

This beautiful anecdote will undoubtedly brighten your day. It stars a fantastic three-person family as well as a slew of incredibly creative high school students.

Jeremy King was pleased to become a father. Unfortunately, his elation was tempered by the fact that, due to his disability, he could not fully appreciate his baby’s presence. Jeremy was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had surgery, which led him to become disoriented. As a result of this, he is now physically disabled.

Jeremy’s wife, Chelsie King, told Good Morning America, “Although he can walk, he can’t do it comfortably holding a child.” So we said, “OK, what we need for him to be a safe parent?” and, to be honest, not much came up. There aren’t many options for disabled parents.”

“One of the things that we absolutely couldn’t find,” Chelsie told NBC Washington, “was a way to enjoy walks with our baby.”

“We just wanted a method for him to go on family walks and do everything that a parent without a physical impairment does,” Chelsie explained.

Chelsie came up with a wonderful idea after considering all of her alternatives. She went out to children in the Bullis School’s Innovation and Technology Lab, or BITlab, in Potomac, Maryland. Making for Social Good, taught by Professor Matt Zigler, focuses on creating ideas that enhance the lives of people who need it the most.
Professor Zigler was delighted to assign the homework to his pupils. “It was nice to have it as a challenge, but it was even better because it was for someone in our community who could use it,” he added.

The youthful brains accomplished the most astonishing accomplishment in history. They invented the Wheel-Stroll, which allowed Jeremy to go on long-awaited walks with his child.

The kids achieved a father’s greatest wish and won multiple awards for their creation, including “Best Inspirational Story” and “Best Showcase of Iterative Design.”

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