You are such an inspiration, young man!
This universe revolves around doing good and lending a helping hand to those in need. Seeing individuals like little Matthew Resendez gives us hope that things are not as horrible as they seem, especially when most of us feel that humanity has failed us.
One of the many homeless persons who frequent the neighborhood where Matthew works at the local Burger King came inside and gave Matthew a handful of money. Then, as that was all he had, he inquired whether they were serving meals for $0,50.
This man didn’t want pity; he was willing to pay for his lunch, even though he was unaware that his resources wouldn’t cover the least expensive item on the menu.
But even though Mathew knew the guy was hungry, he could not urge him to go, so he chose to do the right thing instead.

It was heartwarming that he used his money to pay for the homeless man’s dinner.
He told his mother what he had done when he came home, and she told her friends about it without thinking it would become widely known.
Michelle, Mathew’s mother, said the following:
“A proud mother moment!”
This evening, as Matthew was working, a man who was homeless entered the restaurant with fifty cents and inquired about any items he might purchase from the menu.
The man said anything would ease his hunger when Matthew asked what he would get if he could.

“Thereupon, Matthew called for a substantial lunch for the man and paid for it using his debit card.
After giving him the receipt, he told him to settle in and take a seat. That would be a beautiful ending to the story. However, a woman observed my kid when he did his random act of kindness.
She gave my son a very sizable tip in addition to writing the firm to let them know about the kind person they have on staff!
I’m thrilled to be his mother and can congratulate myself on helping to raise such a kind and generous young man.
Mathew is still tiny, yet he already possesses compassion and sensitivity. He feels that regardless of socioeconomic standing, everyone is equal and must be treated with respect.

Millions of people have read this teen’s tale and have commented on what a remarkable young man he is. Both his mother and I are pleased with him.
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