The little voice was heard once more. One more prod. Since then, I’ve been better. I said, “I’ve got it,” as my cheeks began to heat up. “What makes us decent people is the good we do for others.” Never forget that how much we care for people around us determines how much compassion God will offer to us.

When Sara Fleming was in a situation where she might help someone who was in need, she followed the advice of a voice in her head.
She knew that miracles often occur around Christmas because it was then. She, therefore, wanted to spread the happiness she had brought to one family to other families.

Sara feels that God connected the dots and reconnected her with the family she had previously helped, but this time at a location where she had experienced inner peace.
I’m telling you the truth, my dear buddies. I’m publishing to spread the word of God’s kindness and compassion. In the first place, it’s not even about me. He has accomplished great things.
As Sara waited in line, she noticed a dad attempting to pay for his goods. His card was repeatedly declined while he was heard asking the cashier to set certain products to the side. However, his card wouldn’t let him pass, leaving him with no other choices.

I heard a girl and a kid calling him “Dad” frequently while they were with him. The boy was around my son’s age, and the girl was in the early stages of adolescence. Sara observed, “I could see the shame on their cheeks.”
She could see the sadness on his father’s face as he realized that his family would be without the food and essentials they so much needed for the holidays.

At that moment, Sara was aware of God’s directive.
“Then, all of a sudden, I felt it. My heart received a little electric charge, and the back of my skull received a mild jolt.
The message said, “Pay for these groceries.” “It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the money… I’ll supply anything you require. Have faith in me.
However, she was at a loss for words since she didn’t want to embarrass the man further.
“Again, I heard that small voice. Another prod. I’ve improved since then. I yelled, “I’ve got it,” as heat sprang up in my cheeks.

He observed, “I don’t know how to thank you,” as he turned to face the compassionate man standing behind him. I’m a divorced man without kids. It can be challenging.
“Don’t stress over it. It’ll be alright. I was driven to help. I am confidently carrying out God’s directives. Sara recalls saying, “And I’ve been there.”
She was happy to have the chance to make the father and his two little ones’ day, who couldn’t take their eyes off her.
But about two months later, something remarkable happened. Sara saw the family on the seat next to her when she was attending church.
Sara started sobbing subtly. She was thrilled to see the father and his two kids once more and was amazed that, of all places, they had landed up at her church.
I never revealed to him my Christian faith. I ought to have told him where I go to church. The same God sent this man and his family to my church that Sunday.
Then Sara understood that helping others was all about HIM, not the people who exhibited compassion.
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