You shouldn’t spend the rest of your life with a partner who makes you feel bad about yourself. Instead, organize your life so that you can go on.
Even though leaving a bad relationship is complex, the man is strained beyond his limit in this tale.
He explained his situation in a forum where hundreds of others were willing to help.
The author of this statement stated:
My stepdaughter will get married on August 3. Her and her mother’s wedding planning has taken up the last six months. Despite not being married and having shared a home for ten years, I refer to her as mother.

My stepdaughter graduated from the college she attended with a bachelor’s degree earlier this year. I had to pay $40K to send her there, even though it was a public university. She has been residing with us since she graduated from college and has no job. I got her a car to drive herself to and from school once she finished high school.
Periodically, her lazy father would show up in her life, making her swoon despite neglecting to pay child support or make financial contributions to her education, which are my girlfriend’s obligations because c.s. was excluded from the settlement. She still loves him so much and wants him in her life. He stays long enough to break his vow and depart town, breaking her heart.
Up to 250 people may attend the wedding there. I gave them a list of 20 individuals I wanted to invite because I was paying the cost. They reassured me that it wasn’t a problem when I questioned if it was. I thus told these people that they would get an invitation and to put a note in their calendars to that effect.
I bumped into one of the individuals on my list at the golf course on Saturday and inquired about his intentions. When I asked him about it, he claimed that he had not received an invitation. He said that he did not get an invitation, only an announcement. He showed it to me after removing it from the back of his car, where it had resided for the previous six months. It was just an announcement, with no mention of my name, as expected. Not my name, but her father’s and mother’s were used as the signers.

When I learned that NONE of the twenty people on my invitation list had been “cut” because “250 people is tight,” I argued with my girlfriend. There was little I could do about it because the individuals who mattered most to me had already suffered harm. My GF suggested that she could add a few additional guests if some people didn’t RSVP. But that’s the biggest slap in the face. I consequently felt like I was on fire on Saturday.

The family of our future in-laws joined us for Sunday dinner, and the “Real Dad” paid us an unexpected visit. At this supper, my stepdaughter told us that her “Real Dad” would be able to attend her wedding and deliver the bride. In response, a chorus of “Oh, how fantastic” and “How wonderful”s erupted.
I don’t remember ever being so outraged and enraged before. My hands started to shake. I wasn’t sure if I would begin sobbing or start punching someone in the face. I GOT OUT OF MY CHAIR when I felt confident I could speak. Whatever it was I said, this is what it entailed:
I said, “Let’s start with a toast.” The sound of spoons clinking against glasses may still be heard in my old age. The man claimed that being a part of this family for the last ten years had been an honor. Wow, very thoughtful of you. The bride and groom have opened my eyes to something significant. They both had smug expressions on their faces. I needed clarification about how solid my position in the family was. I’m grateful for everything they’ve taught me. Now, the expressions of everyone present in the room are filled with confusion and bewilderment.
Even though I used to think of myself as the family’s patriarch or godfather, commanding enormous respect and sought-after aid when necessary, I now feel more like an ATM. Suitable for a consistent cash flow but only really for something else. Real Dad will assume my financial obligations for this occasion, it has been determined. Now that the invites and ceremony itself will be hosted by someone else. Congratulations to the happy couple on their new adventure! Before I realized what had occurred, my beverage was almost all gone. Everyone may go at this time.

Is this a self-indulgent act? I’m supposed to pay $40–50k for a wedding that I could not attend, but why? Does it rule me out? I’m tired of this foolishness. My girlfriend and my stepdaughter no longer have any interest in me. I took the money out of our joint account last night. I called each business I sent checks to today to get my money back. She moved in with me and hasn’t worked since; she’s unemployed. Having suffered a loss of almost $ 1,500, the venue appears to be the greatest loser. However, the other merchants have been fantastic about refunds.
That is excellent if you want your REAL DAD to cover every expense, appear on the invitation, propose to you, and join you at the head table.
On the morning of June 9 – The GF departed with her daughter from my flat. They will now reside with the bridegroom. It was challenging to avoid becoming petty about some of the possessions they brought with them. However, the locks have been turned now that it is finished. Time for a beer, please. The number of individuals who found my story fascinating astonished me. But knowing that there are others who concur with me makes me pleased.
I’ll be sure to let you know if I learn anything about what happened at the wedding. But I can’t guarantee that I’ll try to find out. There are rumors that the groom and his parents are discussing how to fix matters and offer assistance. I lost all respect for her when I found out the next day that she tried to write herself a cheque on our joint account. I am probably a better ass than her as a result. But I had a feeling that she was going to strike back soon. I have nothing else to add to the matter. Thanks.
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