He went up to the minor child to inquire about his bleeding socks, but when he found out why, he realized he couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.
While on foot patrol, Tukwila police officers Officer Bashful and Sergeant Modest made a funny observation. Currently maintaining the safety of Cascade View Park, the partners were astounded by what they observed.
It was beautiful to see several little boys having a good time running around on such a lovely day. The cops were concerned because one of the youngsters was missing.

There was a youngster in the group who had no shoes on. After searching the area, the cops could not find an abandoned pair anywhere.
Upon closer inspection, they saw that his socks were stained and ripped. A sizable cut on the bottom of one of his feet was causing quite a bit of bleeding.
Parents are always aware of the risks involved in running around barefoot. A youngster might cause significant injuries to himself by stepping on sharp plastic or shattered glass.
Thus, the cops approached the youngster with caution. The young child consented to Sergeant Modest inspecting, cleaning, and treating his foot using the first aid equipment they had brought.

They spoke about where his shoes were as the sergeant operated on his foot. The young child meekly acknowledged that his boots were no longer fitting him.
The police concluded that they just could not let the man go free and let him hurt himself again. So, while Officer Bashful waited there and watched the lads, Sergeant Modest purchased a pair of shoes that would suit the energetic little kid.
Sergeant Modest returned carrying a pair of shoes and some popsicles! The lads were ecstatic.
Nothing beats a refreshing popsicle during the sweltering summer heat.
Officer Bashful helped the tiny kid put on the shoes and knotted them as he slurped his popsicle. Before they returned to patrol, the cops had a popsicle snack with the lads.
The public is going wild over what the Tukwila Police Department did after posting this touching story on their Facebook page about two officers and the case of the lost sneakers. The department highlighted how “truly astounding” the outpouring of support has been.

For the little child and his parents, who may not have had the money to buy new shoes, a tiny gesture like this meant the world. How fantastic are these two cops?
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