Dad chooses to raise the child alone because his mother wants to place their down syndrome son in foster care.

Thousands of newborns with disorders that make them unique are born every day all over the world. Naturally, every baby is lovely, and they are all deserving of love, care, and attention.

Unfortunately, not everybody is aware of this. Amazingly, some parents even consider abandoning or disowning their kids if, upon their arrival, they don’t meet their critical standards.

Many kids with Down syndrome are still born into uncertainty due to persistent prejudice around the illness, even in this age of awareness and reason.

While parenting his son Misha, who has Down syndrome, on his own, a Russian father is working to eradicate any stigma associated with the disease.

According to sources, 33-year-old Evgeny Anisimov is determined to prove that kids with Down syndrome deserve love and acceptance like any other child. After his wife decided to leave because she was unable to handle her son’s illness, he is parenting Misha all by himself.

A doctor told Evgeny and his wife, “I fear that your baby has Down syndrome,” barely one minute and forty-nine seconds after their son was born.

The father remarked, “I didn’t know what to do when I learned of the hypothesis that my son had Down syndrome,” in an interview with Bored Panda. I felt my wife would have a more challenging time of it, so I thought my job was assisting her and blocking her feelings and ideas.

“We were promised the analysis results in a few days, so I decided not to say anything to her until then.”

He went on, “I recall that I left the hospital and sobbed, but not for long, after finding out that my baby has Down syndrome. I felt a bit ashamed of my tears afterwards. After all, nothing had altered in my life.

“I had two limbs and two legs, and my professional expertise had not decreased. I had everything on my side, including my drive, activity, curiosity, etc. Everything went according to plan, and my kid was born. However, the infant is unique, and his life and future are already significant. And I’m howling right now! There’s a selfishness to this! Is this not equitable? No, I am accountable for it. It’s evident that the likelihood of you undergoing an amniocentesis was minimal, but yet. You took on parental duty because you want a kid. Ultimately, there exist several alternatives: autism, cerebral palsy, genetic abnormalities, etc. And as I discovered afterwards, down syndrome is not the worst.

That same evening, Evgeny started looking into Down syndrome.

He remarked, “I discovered that individuals with Down syndrome can live and work independently in Europe and are well-socialized.” “But that didn’t change the decision I had already made.”

The new father had no choice but to stay with his son. Sadly, his wife didn’t share his sentiments.

He declared, “It would be inhumane to leave my son in an orphanage at any point in time.” After their final divorce, Evengy is now raising Misha by himself.

“When a child is born, he asks the outside world, ‘Am I needed here or not?'” he explained. And I firmly respond, “Son, you are needed!” Being around him—even alone—is natural for an ordinary man. I must stress that I am a regular man, not a superhero.

Evgeny wants to spread knowledge about Down syndrome so that no prospective parent would think having a kid with the disorder is a punishment or an impediment that cannot be surmounted.

“I want all the articles about Mishka and me that are being published now to conveinstilnstill that idea to society,” he said to Bored Panda. In addition, I want to encourage and uplift individuals who are or will be in similar circumstances as myself by setting an example. I contact those nearby and send letters to those who live far away. I hope people who are struggling right now, like we were, learn about us. Be fearless! Everything will work out OK.

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