Children are pure and innocent. Naturally, the environment in which they reside is what transforms them. These tiny souls stay pure until society enters the scene, even if racism and other forms of discrimination still exist in this cruel and horrible world. A newborn at birth is not biassed. What will alter their perspective and give rise to their prejudices is how they live and who they surround themselves with. Youngsters are unaware of racism. They don’t know why skin colour and religion are so distinct. What is important to them is finding someone they can love and care for without any restrictions as a friend.
For this reason, bias is said to be learnt. Young children never expect to be made fun of or treated differently because of the colour of their skin. They also don’t want to do it to anyone else. Therefore, it is all trained to treat others with disdain or respect and to love or hate yourself or others.
Hence, there is a lot that adults can learn from the younger generation. Why? Even if grownups believe they are well-recognized in society and the wider world, they lack fundamental human traits. Furthermore, nobody is at fault. This is just how society is; you must ride the wave to live. However, ending the conflict between different races and religions is still feasible.
The scenario we will discuss today will best illustrate how prejudice-free kids may be. Because of how inspirational this narrative is, it became viral globally. This was first posted in 2017 on Love What Matters’ Facebook page by Lydia Stith Rosebush. The two closest friends agreed to get the same haircut to appear identical. As you can see, these two young boys had varied skin tones and were just five years old.

They intended to pass off having the same hairstyle as their teacher. It was because they thought their appearances were identical, even twinlike. But do they see what we see in their terrible scheme? No. That’s just the way children are. They do not even recognize why the other person’s complexion seems lighter or darker—that person is their closest buddy.
We have one more item to remember here. Being discriminatory and being aware of differences are two very different things. Kids should understand the distinctions between different races when they are old enough. They ought to know why the various ethnic groups have different skin tones. In this manner, when people look at someone different from them, it won’t surprise or seem strange. They will continue to think differently about others as long you refuse to respond to their inquiries.
Jax, the son of Lydia, was therefore sure that he and his friend Reddy had the same appearance. Reddy’s hair was trimmed, while Jax’s hair stood up. In his opinion, that is the only thing separating them. How lovely and pure. Jax tried to trick the teacher by cutting his hair short for the same reason.
Jax was thrilled, too. He was eager to wear his new hairdo to school on Monday so his teacher could not tell them differently, as his mother suggested on Facebook.

She went on to say that since the youngsters primarily noticed their haircut in contrast to their skin tone, this is sufficient evidence that hate and prejudice are taught.

More than 85,000 people liked the post—it sounds fantastic! What?
Furthermore, in less than a week, the post garnered 25,000 shares; others shared their accounts of how prejudice does not exist in youngsters.
A woman and her son were chatting, which a German schoolteacher shared. The son said that only children were in his class in response to the mother’s question about the number of refugees in the group.
However, adults should guard their children’s innocence without corrupting them. It’s a powerful tool kids have that will one day turn the world into a lovely place.
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