Our goal is to ensure that our dogs have a happy and comfortable golden age, even if it means they become less active as they age.
Conversely, one family made a special effort to care for their elderly dog. To make the dog feel special, they even altered their sleeping habits.
One of Spike’s favourite activities—sleeping in bed with his family, as he has done every night since he was a puppy—was out of the question.
The Dodo learned from Spike’s owner, Catherine Morris, that the first evening they spent with him at home, she and her husband shut the stair gate and went to bed. After whimpering briefly, he sprang over the fence in the dark, ran into my parents’ room, and immediately climbed into the bed! He spent every night sleeping there after that.
Their bedroom was on the second level, so Spike could not visit his favourite spot in the building. Despite his illness, he persisted in attempting. His family had to shut off the stairs for him to use since he tried so hard to utilize them.
Nevertheless, they thought of a clever solution to the dilemma instead: they would walk downstairs and sleep with Spike if he couldn’t come up and join them!
Henceforth, various family members will alternately assemble the pull-out sofa in the basement and spend the night there with Spike. This is done to ensure that the senior dog always has playmates.

Catherine discovered her parents were having an affair with Spike when she returned home from college. She wasn’t surprised because Spike and her parents had always been close.
Catherine informed the Dodo that they were dependent on one another. My grandfather calls him an “old bean,” they frequently converse.
“To ensure that Spike receives his medication and remains healthy, my dad will also carry food and water to the couch and feed him by hand.”
Spike is older now, but one thing about him that hasn’t changed is how much his family still loves him.
Through this selflessness, they demonstrate that they will stop at nothing to ensure Spike has the best possible final years.
“We love our old friend so much and are so glad to have him in our lives,” Catherine remarked. We can only hope that this made up for his rough beginning in life, even though we gave him all the love in the world.
The lengths some individuals will take to ensure their dogs are content is astounding. We are impressed by how nicely this family looks for their elderly dog.
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