When my first kid was born, I was just 19 years old.
To help you understand that your kid is terrified and experiencing feelings they aren’t even aware of yet, please remember to remind them about your love if they ever come to you to tell you they are pregnant, going to have a baby, and going to be parents.

They are aware of their “options.” They are aware that raising children is costly. They are aware of the “heavy responsibility.” They know it may be “so much work” and “strenuous on a relationship.”
Take any necessary action to remind them of these points.
Remember to share the love with them, though.
About the sweet sound of a baby’s heartbeat and the fluttery sensation of the first kicks. After nine months of waiting, the first time you see your baby’s face is both a surprise and a familiarity.
About a deep breath you can’t help but take as you cuddle your sleeping child.

Remember to remind them that the first time your baby says “mama,” it becomes magical. Sometimes, the first haircut makes you feel depressed since your baby’s baby hair falls to the ground, and they suddenly appear older.
Remember to explain that a baby laughs contagiously and that it’s acceptable if they feel compelled to laugh uncontrollably to enjoy the sound of that happy laugh.
Remember to tell them about the significant occasions—the bittersweet ones. Every one of them represents a fresh start, a first, full of excitement and joy, but also a poignant reminder of times past.
Sometimes, when sunlight hits a child’s hair, it seems like a halo, and you want to hold that image in your memory.

Remember to let them know that they will be tasting puréed baby food. They will feel the impulse to wrinkle up their nose, squint their eyes, and take a tiny taste, even if it’s strange colors and smells, before determining it’s okay for the baby to try.
Talk to them about the slobbery kisses that newborns give their parents when they first learn to kiss.
Tell them that when they watch your baby sleep, it becomes fascinating and beautiful and that they will see the world differently. They will also sing lullabies and give each other cheek kisses.

Inform them that infants occasionally smile while they sleep. Afraid to tell them that they will wonder, “I wonder what you’re dreaming?”
Assure them that they will gain a fresh perspective on the meaning of “love” and “tired.”
Inform them of your love. The immense, unconditional, powerless, profound, unending, infinite, fantastic love.
This little boy changed my life.

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