Kev Harrison recently posed for a picture with his son Daniel Harrison, 15, who has Asperger’s syndrome. Daniel’s father graciously asked the public to send his son birthday wishes via Twitter, and he gratefully got hundreds of them. Many individuals responded right away to the wishes from thousands of strangers, including numerous well-known celebrities.
The father of Daniel had two goals in life. His kid will learn to drive in the first, and he will introduce him to new people in the second. The boy is still too young to obtain a driving permit. His second goal has already been accomplished, albeit his first one hasn’t. As a consequence, Kev Harrison’s tweet about his kid turning 15 went viral online.

Daniel is my kid, Kev Harrison wrote. He is severely autistic. He doesn’t have any friends at all. His family joins him in celebrating his birthday today. His two goals in his ECHP were to teach his kid to drive and to introduce him to new people. However, on September 28th, Nottingham, England resident Kev Harrison tweeted, “Thank you for wishing him a happy birthday. Please embrace him to let him know how much you care. I appreciate you giving me your viewpoint.
Kev Harrison, 52, was completely shocked by what transpired next. Numerous celebrities and hundreds of strangers wrote birthday wishes to Daniel and promised to be friends with him. More than a million people have read his tweet, and hundreds more have commented on the original tweet.
Daniel’s my son. Profoundly Autistic. Hasn’t one friend. It’s his birthday today. In his ECHP he wrote that his two wishes were to learn to drive and make friends 😣 Please wish him a happy birthday. Please show him you care. Please share. ##happybirthday #autism #rt
— Kev & Daniel’s #autism journey (& Bruce 😉) (@kevharrison_) September 29, 2021
Harrison says it “blew my mind” to see how excited the crowd was, and he puts it that way.
After reading Daniel’s education, health, and care (EHC) plan, which is part of a government program that assists in identifying the appropriate levels of help for young people and children with disabilities, the man and his wife, Catherine, were inspired to post the tweet.
Things that are important to me or things I would like to achieve were a portion of the form that Daniel had personally filled out. Simply by putting “drive a car” and “make friends” together.
It broke our hearts, Harisson added. Even though his kid attends a special needs school, the father proceeded by saying that he has yet to make any new acquaintances there. He rambles around the playground by himself, lost in his own world.
Daniel’s father claims that as a tiny child, Daniel was diagnosed with severe autism. As a result, he had refused to eat for several years. Although he is outspoken, he usually communicates in “standard ways” and has difficulty participating in debates.
Harrison goes on to say that Daniel has had a lot of experiences in his 15 years. Daniel, he added, “is an excellent, friendly, and kind young man.” Daniel deserves nothing but the finest, he said, and there is not a single disagreeable bone in his entire body.
Harrison has decided to post on Twitter in order to raise awareness about autism spectrum disorder and to show his child some love on his birthday. He had no clue his tweet would become the most talked-about issue in the country. He anticipated only a few of people to respond to his tweet.
It was incredible, Harrison said.

The author continues by saying that the reaction was “quite unexpected” and that “I had no idea what to expect.”
After Harrison’s message went viral, important people with significant followings began retweeting it, and Daniel’s father’s Twitter account was inundated with birthday greetings.
Daniel was taken aback by Lennie’s happy birthday song performed on the piano by a 9-year-old child. Olly, an 11-year-old boy, gave the performance for a poem. Daniel’s classroom included a birthday sign prepared by Indiana kids for him. Furthermore, autistic people reached out, providing messages of support and assuring others that things will improve in time.
As hundreds of people congratulated Daniel on his new friend status, Harrison spotted something encouraging that a Twitter user said: “You have a great buddy, and that’s your lovely father.”
Happy birthday Daniel! – From my students in Indiana 🥳 🎂 🎈
— Dustin Harrison (@DstnHrrsn) September 29, 2021
While looking through the letters, Harrison tries to read each of the nice letters to Daniel and answer each one personally.
In addition, he expressed hope in his tweet that the tremendous reaction will motivate others to be sympathetic to persons with special needs in their communities.
Harrison remarked in his closing remarks that if he has even persuaded one person to see another little child in a different way, he has achieved his mission.
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